I have now been in Buenos Aires for 3 weeks. It is the longest I have been in one place in over 10 months. It sounds crazy when you put it like that, this has been a great place to settle. This is by far the best city I have ever been to. I am not a big city guy, but this place is great. I know I can´t really compare it to most of the other cities I have been to simply because I´ve been staying with my friend here. I have had a whole different experience livin
g with a local. I am really lucky to have had this experience. If not, it is very possible that I would have just moved through this city trying to find anther beach or jungle somewhere.
I can´t explain how great Yanina and her family and friends are. They are the epitome of kindness and generosity. They have taken me into their home and treated me as if I were part of the family. Lenor, her mother opened her house up to originally 3 complete strangers. Matt and Mike left after a week, I have been here another 2. All she knew was that her daughter traveled with us on some tour in Asia 9 months before. It takes a special kind of person to do something like that. It is not just that let us stay here, but how she made us feel when we were here. Paula, here sister baked me brownies for my bus ride tomorrow. They are just kind people, and it has been an amazing and surreal time here. I hope that someday I can return the favor some how. I loved having dinner with the family, then we would all just hang around the living room watching Latin American Idle. These are the things kinds of experiences that you hope for when you set off on a journey like mine. We spent a weekend at her fathers outside of town. He took us out to a little Parilla (bbq) place that was great. It was a very laid back get a little dirty while you eat as much meat as you possibly can kind of place. He wanted to know how the meat compared to Texas haha. He to welcomed us into his where we spent the day talking and visiting. When we left he gave us his business card with all his contact information telling us if we ever need anything to contact him. It was great that just after spending an afternoon with him, it was if we were old friends.
This hospital
ity and kindness was not only from Yanina and her family, but her friends as well. When ever they had something going on they would invite us to come. When Yani was at work they would take me out. They would make sure that I had seen all the neat areas of town. I loved the parillas so they took me to many different parillas. My time here in Buenos Aires has been great. I could not have asked for anything more. The city itself is beautiful and full of great restaurants funky shops. But for me the experience has been getting know Yanina and her family and friends.
I can´t explain how great Yanina and her family and friends are. They are the epitome of kindness and generosity. They have taken me into their home and treated me as if I were part of the family. Lenor, her mother opened her house up to originally 3 complete strangers. Matt and Mike left after a week, I have been here another 2. All she knew was that her daughter traveled with us on some tour in Asia 9 months before. It takes a special kind of person to do something like that. It is not just that let us stay here, but how she made us feel when we were here. Paula, here sister baked me brownies for my bus ride tomorrow. They are just kind people, and it has been an amazing and surreal time here. I hope that someday I can return the favor some how. I loved having dinner with the family, then we would all just hang around the living room watching Latin American Idle. These are the things kinds of experiences that you hope for when you set off on a journey like mine. We spent a weekend at her fathers outside of town. He took us out to a little Parilla (bbq) place that was great. It was a very laid back get a little dirty while you eat as much meat as you possibly can kind of place. He wanted to know how the meat compared to Texas haha. He to welcomed us into his where we spent the day talking and visiting. When we left he gave us his business card with all his contact information telling us if we ever need anything to contact him. It was great that just after spending an afternoon with him, it was if we were old friends.
This hospital
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